Michael Odom

Teaching Pastor

Serving as Teaching Pastor, Michael Odom serves Journey Church with over 17 years of ministry experience. Michael and wife Melissa, children Zoe and Miles have started serving Journey in 2013 on the Worship Team, as Youth Pastor, Journey Kids and as Teaching Pastor.

Michael can often be found doing everything from helping to build the new children’s playground, caring for young couples or studying and preparing for the weekly messages.

Here are some questions to help you Get to Know Our Pastor

1. Favorite Starbucks drink? Grande Cold Brew

2. What show have you recently binge watched on Netflix?
Stranger Things

3. Favorite movie and why? Young Guns.

4. Favorite type of food and a specific dish? Mexican – Heuvos Rancheros – New Mexican style with hatch green chili – Yum Yum!

5. Least favorite food? Anything with artichokes :O

6. What is the most impacting book you have read other than the Bible? Desiring God – John Piper

7. What is the most meaningful Bible verse or overall passage in the Bible for you? Romans 8:15
For you did not receive a spirit of slavery that returns you to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”

9. What did you want to be when growing up? Helicopter Pilot

10. What smart phone app, in the last 3 months, that you find yourself using the most? Converted my smart phone to a dumb phone to be more present. I had issues…